Family Road Trip
Photo by Maria Oswalt on Unsplash

Family Road Trip

Guess who's on a family road trip literally right now? And guess where we are?

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Taking a Stroll with Zen Master and Zen Mum

Taking a stroll with Zen Master and Zen Mum through the park is a perk that I get when I have time and the weather's good.  Even before his stroke, they'd walk about three (3) miles a day.  They'd walk around the neighborhood.  Up and down the street.  Through the park.

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No Extraction and a Partial Denture

So when we arrived at the office of the new dentist, who happens to be Korean and a guy, I already knew that it was going to just click for him.  Because when another X-ray was taken and the dentist sat with us, he gave us options other than extraction and a partial denture, because at the end of the day, he knew that Pop just wants to keep his tooth.

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