*I’m a proud referrer of the Ebates program by Rakuten. I’m also an affiliate promoter of products that we love and use regularly. This just means if you click on our links, I may make money.
I’m all about saving money. Aren’t we all, really? But when it comes to penny-pinching especially for items for Zen Master and Zen Mum, I’m all over it. Senior citizens have special needs and my elderly folks are no different.
It’s the usual household items and medicinal things that may not cost alot, but over the long run, boy, they certainly do add up!
Somehow you’ve landed on my blog. If you know nothing else about me, know that I believe that the Universe’s always supporting me. It’s actually always supporting all of us, whether we believe or not.
Don’t mean to get all spiritual in your face but I’m just being transparent and real.
The reason why I bring this up is that I’m always looking for coupons and discounts and sales. Consciously and subconsciously.
Which is how I came across Ebates. A very special thank you to Greg Gottfried for recommending it. I found it while watching his YouTube video How I Built 7 Streams of Income by Age 24.

It’s a free Chrome Extension that you simply add to your Chrome browser and when you shop online with participating stores, you save money.
Straight from the horse’s mouth, this is how Rakuten explains it:
No clipping coupons! When you check out, a popup will appear to make sure you apply your discount into your checkout cart.
Please know: if you use my link and install the Ebates extension on your Chrome browser, I’ll get $25.00 back for this referral. You’ll need to open an Ebates account first – don’t worry, it’s free – and then when you spend over $25.00 in any of the associated stores for the first time, you’ll get $10.00 back as a welcome bonus.
So once it’s installed in your Chrome browser, when you’re Googling, just look out for this marker that tells you if your store’s part of the Ebates program.

Thank you in advance if you choose to use my referral link.