Senior Isolation During COVID-19 – Personal Perspective
Even before the onset of COVID-19, let's be blunt about this: senior isolation is real. I had wrote about this in Medium. And COVID-19 made it even worse.
Even before the onset of COVID-19, let's be blunt about this: senior isolation is real. I had wrote about this in Medium. And COVID-19 made it even worse.
Continuing on from my last blog post, Writing Cooperative Challenge - - I wanted to see if I could do it. If I could write something that would meet their criteria and be good enough to be accepted.
The Writing Cooperative publication sent an interesting email out to subscribers on Thursday, 03/19/20. The Writing Cooperative is a publication on, focused on helping writers on writing.
The Ascent Publication's a lovely publication. I'll always be thankful for the opportunities and lessons that I've drawn from writing for it. Because it was the impetus of my wanting to take a chance and do more. And Medium overall is a platform that allows me to do it. Which led me to starting my own publication on Medium: Finding Zen.