Sally in the Zen

On the Right Track Now With The First COVID-19 Vaccine Shot

Senior Citizens Got the COVID vaccine in PA

Let’s talk about getting the COVID-19 (coronavirus) vaccine. In all transparency, I was really nervous about trusting this vaccine. In the former federal administration, in the height of the “fake news” environment, it really was hard to trust what was out there.

We longer trusted our scientists and doctors. The world was turned upside down, and then there was COVID.

As a caregiver to my elderly folks, if I couldn’t trust the doctors, what else can I do to make sure Zen Master and Zen Mum were safe? Besides physically sequestering them in the house and not come out? It’s almost coming up to a year since we’ve become basically home-bound. And it’s just a handful of weeks away before the 1st year anniversary of when the State of PA had mandated the first official stay-at-home order.


When I pull back from the every day news and think about it from a higher perspective though, in this seemingly chaotic time, there still is a choice.

And that’s to trust and believe that everything will work out. Trust that we’re at the right place at the right time and that we’re always supported by the Universe. By Higher Power.

I do.

And the choice was the safety of my beautiful Zen Master and Zen Mum. If I didn’t give them every fighting chance to survive, what does that say about me as their caregiver? Their daughter?

So I signed them up to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

But truthfully, it actually was a no-brainer. Given how I so strongly believe that senior citizens need to have all their immunizations in order to continue to lead healthy, happy lives. I had spoken about it earlier in my podcast Podcast Episode # 12 – Seniors and Immunization

COVID-19 Vaccine

Through our particular county’s health department, I signed them up. They were both over 70 years old and diabetic – so they were High-Risk people.

I had mentally braced myself for a very long wait (if you believe what you heard in the news). In the meantime, just continue doing what I’ve been doing. Which was all the heavy lifting – with their meds, their appointments, the grocery shopping.

The overall care of both house and home. Oh, and getting ready for my new job.

It took less than a week before we got the confirmation email from the Health Department. They had scheduled not only our 1st dose but also our 2nd dose.

I was relieved, and worried again.

But I bit the bullet and took them to the location where they were giving out the vaccine.

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Vaccine Day

Our COVID-19 vaccine location

Streamlined and pretty efficient would be the words I’d use to describe our experience. Our appointment was at 09:45 am on Saturday and despite the volume of people, it was safe and they took good care of us.

Sometimes you can’t believe 100% what you hear on the news. You need to trust and do what feels right. And truly believe that you’re doing the right thing by your folks.

Which is what I did.

Now we’re waiting for the second dose in three weeks.

Sally in the Zen

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