Sally in the Zen Podcast is 1 Year Old!
Sally in the Zen Podcast is 1 year old!

Sally in the Zen Podcast is 1 Year Old!

Mile marking this day because the Sally in the Zen Podcast is officially 1-year old! Over 25 episodes completed and still cruising along. Let's see how far I can take it.

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Tired of Being Strong
Sometimes, carrying on, just carrying on,is the superhuman achievement _ Albert Camus

Tired of Being Strong

Lately I've been asking myself, why does it have to be so hard? Staying strong sometimes can be so tiring. Just keeping it real.

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Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash


So tapping into my many years of savings and my many annual bonuses, when Zen Master and Zen Mum finally retired, we went to China.

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