Homecoming – Great Wall – Part 3
Great Wall - China

Homecoming – Great Wall – Part 3

Click here for Part 2

How often can we say that we’ve been at one of the Wonders of the World? 

Oh, talking to me?  The Great Wall?  Oh, been there, done that.

Great Wall - China
Great Wall – China

We were at Ba Da Ling – the Northern Pass of the Great Wall. 

Great Wall at Badaling
Great Wall at Badaling

Zen Mum and I went up a little ways and it was quite a workout!  High in altitude and very steep in incline, it made for good times.  Zen Master took this picture just as we were taking a breather.  See that tower behind us?  That was our destination before heading back down.

Sitting on the Great Wall
Sitting and resting with Zen Mum

Then I grabbed my camera back and sprinted up the way until I thought I was gonna fall over and roll down the Great Wall.  But not before I took this picture of Zen Master and Zen Mum chugging along.  At this point, Zen Mum chose to stop and take a break…

Walking up the Great Wall
Walking up the Great Wall

…while Zen Master and I continued the upward climb just to see if we could reach the top of the next crest before passing out.

Zen Master walking up the Great Wall
Zen Master walking up the Wall

And it was during this time that Zen Mum began climbing again.  So we waited for her…

Posing on the Great Wall
Posing on the Great Wall

…and then…TA DA!  GO TEAM!  We came, we saw, we conquered the Great Wall!

Zen Mum and Zen Master at the Great Wall
Zen Mum and Zen Master

We were proud but pooped.  If only they had elevators for the way back down to the buses.