Profile of a Seasoned Caregiver to Elderly Parents

Profile of a Seasoned Caregiver to Elderly Parents

  • Post category:Family

It’s two weeks from Christmas and the weather’s cold. And I can smell wood burning from somewhere in the neighborhood. This trifecta usually makes me reminiscent of where I am, how far I’ve come and who I’ve become. Hi, I’m Sally and I’m a seasoned caregiver to my elderly parents.

Today’s post is just continuing the train of thought that my Instagram post began. I’m moving now from that in-the-weed view into the 10,000 feet view.

It’s not necessarily a year-end review of Year 2020. Not feeling the urge to do that deep dive quite yet. I’m just feeling light at the moment, light enough to think briefly on how I’m feeling at the time of this writing.

(Picture me pondering into a nice hot cup of lovely coffee.)

Photo by Steve Tsang on Unsplash

Seasoned Caregiver

Even when I typed that phrase, I scoffed at the “seasoned” part. Who am I kidding, I think to myself.

But it’s a given that people rarely cut themselves a break or give themselves enough credit to toot their own horn most times. I’m no exception.

But you know, I’m feeling like tooting my own horn today. I’m not ashamed to give myself a nice pat on the back for feeling incredibly proud that I’m still standing here with a very sound mind and body, after going through the trials of Year 2020.

Damn, I’m good.

Photo by Kiy Turk on Unsplash

Could Also Be That Year 2020 is Almost Over

That could be the reason for my feeling really great today. That I’m filled with such gratitude and appreciation for everything in my life. Despite everything that’s happening outside in the world.

I forget most times to pull myself from out of the weeds of the every day stuff to take a breath and do this albeit vague 10,000 feet view of just where we are. Mentally, physically, spiritually.

I do enjoy doing this type of inventory review of the tangible and intangible. And usually this train of thought and rambling musings will lead into a deeper year-end review and next year planning phrase very shortly.

I enjoy all of this because it shows progress. Whether it’s baby steps or giant leaps, I like to see how far we’ve progressed by the end of each year.

And with us fast approaching Year 2021, a brand new year with a brand new beginning, I’m optimistic.

If you’re still reading this, thanks for hanging on to the end of my rambling musing this Sunday.

Sally in the Zen