Last night I learned where the phrase Once in a Blue Moon came from. We had a Blue Moon, a rare occurrence that happens every 19 years. The name just means two full moons in one month.
The moon doesn’t actually turn blue, which was fairly disappointing.
But it did remind me of the song by Dean Martin Blue Moon.
So the next time it comes around again, 19 years from now, I’ll be 69 years old.

Missed Daylights Savings: A Once in a Blue Moon event indeed
I’ve been deliberately avoiding watching the news for the last few weeks. Aside from my breaking news alerts on my phone, I avoid the news altogether.
Which was the reason I completely missed Daylights Savings last night. When I woke up this morning, I found a couple of our clocks in the kitchen out of whack. I blamed it on the lack of coffee for me not really, truly wondering why that was. Why the clocks were off by one hour.
Darn you, Starbucks!
Zen Master’s Dental Progress
And just this past Friday, we finally got all of Pop’s teeth out.

I took this photo as soon as the extractions were finished. We were chilling out for a few minutes, waiting for the bleeding to stop before venturing home.
Next appointment’s going to be in six weeks, to get started on his denture fittings. So that’ll be interesting to see how that works.
When we got home, Zen Mum and I wanted to give Zen Master comfort food. Albeit blended thoroughly into adult baby food texture, but comfort food, nonetheless.
So she settled on Chicken and Dumplings. No particular recipe, though. Just a mishmash of YouTube videos that came up when you googled Chicken and Dumplings. She took an idea from this one video, another tidbit from another, and made something that was completely hers.
And threw it into the blender and Zen Master got tasty liquid comfort food. And he was sneaky too. I was eating a cookie near him and when I had turned my head, it was gone.
I was this close to smacking his bald head to make him spit it out but my glare was nasty enough to make him do it voluntarily.
Hard to believe he’s almost eighty years old when he’s acting the same age as his 4 year old grandchild.
This is what I have to deal with every day, and you know what? I wouldn’t change it for the world. Or a blue moon.
Happy Sunday, Everyone! And Happy November 1st.
Sally in the Zen