Homecoming – Beijing – Part 2
The View Outside Our Hotel in Beijing

Homecoming – Beijing – Part 2

Click here for Part 1

Originally published in Pre-Upgrade Sally in the Zen in 2010-2011

How did it feel to be in a country where I was part of the majority?  Pretty awesome.  And intimidating.

I have never been part of a majority before.  What if they asked me for directions?

All I knew was how to order a cup of coffee.  And my one-two-threes, since the conversational Mandarin CDs focused a bit on bartering.  I may not know what they’re saying to me, but by God, I know how to barter!

After breakfast, our tour group piled into the buses and then we landed at The Gate of Heavenly Peace, otherwise known as Tiananmen Square.

Beijing Tiananmen Square
Beijing Tiananmen Square

I snagged someone (I don’t remember who it was) in our large tour group to snap this family photo.  Don’t mind all the water bottles that we were hanging onto.  We were just petrified of accidentally drinking anything besides bottled water.  But I had packed tons of Immodium in my bag, so we were good.

Sally in the Zen at Tiananmen Square, Beijing
Sally in the Zen at Tiananmen Square, Beijing

Then Kevin, our tour guide with his little tiger hanging by its neck on his tour flag, waved to all of us and we were on the move…

Touring in Tiananmen Square, Beijing
Touring in Tiananmen Square, Beijing

… and crossed Chang’An Avenue, heading towards Forbidden City and the Imperial Palace.

Approaching Forbidden City in Beijing
Approaching Forbidden City in Beijing

And O.M.G.  We were in!

Inside Forbidden City in Beijing
Inside Forbidden City in Beijing

And there was the Emperor waving at us!

Visiting the Emperor in Forbidden City in Beijing
Visiting the Emperor in Forbidden City in Beijing

Zen Master needed to remind me that it was just an actor.  But that was fine, I still gave him my princess wave.

And finally, as we set off to go deeper into the City, to bask in the place where emperors of history past reigned, where empresses roamed, where the concubines’ quarters were, what happens?



Was it kismet?  Was it fate for my batteries to die at that one place on that one day?  Did it mean I wasn’t supposed to take pictures?  Or did it mean that I needed to get more rechargeable Duracells?

Or was it simply a case of my completely forgetting to plug in the recharger the night before? 

I’m leaning more towards this one. 

C’est la vie.

Next stop:  GREAT WALL