Sally in the Zen Podcast Now on Amazon Music
Sally in the Zen Podcast now on Amazon Music

Sally in the Zen Podcast Now on Amazon Music

  • Post category:Podcast

So as of August 16, 2020, Sally in the Zen Podcast was officially on Pandora. And I had mentioned in that post that I had submitted my podcast to Amazon Music, since they’re launching their new podcast platform.

And guess who’s on Amazon Music now?

Sally in the Zen is now on Amazon Music!

I think I’m pretty set now.

What’s Next for Sally in the Zen?

So since I’m now on most podcast platforms, I think I’m going to need to buckle down and form a strategy for my little podcast. To make money, sure. To have more of an idea of where to go next, since I’m officially one year old, sure.

But I think the real drive for me is to learn more about podcasting. Since I’ve launched it last year, I never really given it much thought about joining the podcast community and to grow and learn from its wealth of experience.

Didn’t tickle my interest at that time. I was just having fun launching it.

But now, yup, my interest is piqued. Yes, because of Mongolia.

Podcast conferences, anyone?

Podfest Expo Master Class Online Summit

Because of my full time work, obviously I won’t be able to attend the day time sessions. But after-work sessions, well, that’s a totally different story!

A new frontier for Sally in the Zen.

Pretty exciting…

Stay tuned.

Sally in the Zen