Sally in the Zen Podcast is 1 Year Old!
Sally in the Zen Podcast is 1 year old!

Sally in the Zen Podcast is 1 Year Old!

  • Post category:Podcast

Mile marking this day because the Sally in the Zen Podcast is officially 1-year old! Over 25 episodes completed and still cruising along. Let’s see how far I can take it. And I’m going to reflect on this milestone for a bit today with lessons learned.

Lesson Learned #1: Commitment

Besides my writing on my blog on a weekly basis, until I actually started podcasting, that was the only regular creative activity I engaged in. These two are my regular outlets for releasing my creative energies nowadays. And it hasn’t become a chore yet. I know in the past when I was doing only my blog, it had become a chore and I had lost interest in doing it. This was back in 2010-2011, which was the reason for letting it lapse for so long, until 2019.

I can’t readily say that I regained interest in my blog when I roused from its sleep. I just know that I needed an outlet for the thoughts that were in my head and my heart. And having only work certainly didn’t release any of my pent-up creative energies.

Besides, work was work. And I needed more.

A picture of a person standing in the rising dawn morning

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Lesson Learned #2: Consistency

And when I decided to simultaneously do blogging and podcasting, I thought I was going out of my mind! After all the years of doing nothing, now in the same year, start blogging again AND start podcasting?

What in the world compelled me to attack two endeavors that required planning, time and my commitment?

Because knowing me, when I tackle something, I go big or go home. And hence came my determination. To see how far I can go this time around.

Which brings us to today – my 1 year anniversary.

A picture of a hand pointing out into the desert horizon

Photo by Nicolas Cool on Unsplash

Lesson Learned #3: Grow

I decided to go whole hog after I made up my mind to do both blogging and podcasting. See how I can grow creativity and see where this creative energy takes me. Well, I can confidently say that I’m more self-assured because I had always thought I was the most non-creative person on this Earth.

It endeavored me to get into to start a bit of writing. It also endeavored me to get out of my introverted shell and start Pinterest and Instagram.

And, it actually endeavored within me to believe that everyone has a talent hidden deep within them. That if we have just a bit of faith to follow our hearts, our world around us broadens.

Because, really…the sky’s the limit.

A picture of a notebook called Thank You

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

So, Thank You…

Thank you, Universe, for gracing me with unforeseen gifts when I finally opened my heart to what you’ve been trying so hard to give.

Thank you, Zen Master’s stroke, for forcibly kicking me on my ass and molding me into what I am today, for where I am today. With my Father, Mother, and overall well-being. For only now, today, do I see you for what you are.

And lastly, thank you, dear Reader, for wandering onto this post, either happenstance or intentional. But whatever brought you here, I thank you for spending a few moments here with me.

And lastly, lastly…I’d like to pass on a gentle reminder to everyone: celebrate and appreciate the little things as they happen because they’re special and puts life into perspective. ⁠

Sally in the Zen