Sally in the Zen Podcast Now on Pandora
Sally in the Zen Podcast now on Pandora!

Sally in the Zen Podcast Now on Pandora

  • Post category:Podcast

Recently I’ve been doing a bit of reflecting on my little podcast. I’d occasionally look at how I’m doing, stats-wise. I like numbers, but ratings and ranking aren’t my drivers for doing my little podcast. I go with the flow with the Universe, going with my instincts to do what makes me feel good, what makes me feel fulfilled, creatively-speaking. But that doesn’t mean I’m just lollygagging either. There’s a bit of effort to what I do, so when I saw that I have yet to submit my podcast to Pandora, I did just that. Albeit, my podcast is almost 1 year old but hey, better late than never! And now as of Saturday, August 15, 2020, the Sally in the Zen Podcast is now on Pandora!

Screenshot of email confirming Sally in the Zen now on Pandora!

To Monetize or Not To Monetize Sally in the Zen

Originally, I had started this podcast, writing and other creative activities because I needed an outlet to speak with the Universe. To free the pent-up thoughts that wanted and needed to be released into the open. I’m a very strong believer in the Universe and I’m just a baby in its eyes as I continue to stumble along my life path.

This is a sign of growth. I like being low-key and just doing my own thing. But I wonder sometimes about needing a goal, some sort of end game to these creative outlets.

So the question that I’m chewing on is: should I monetize all my creative outlets? It’d be nice, of course, to make money for all the work that I put out here and on the podcast – that goes without saying. But because I already have a full time job, I’m not enthused to trading more of my time for money.

So the question then narrows down to: how can I monetize my creative work without needing to put too much of my time and attention to it? Is that even possible?

Well, actually – yes. Yes, it is. It just takes a little ingenuity. (Every one of us have that ability to do it.)

I’m an avid fan of the Side Hustle School podcast. I’ve been a listener since day one and it’s always inspiring to hear how ordinary people come up with ideas for passive side income. After listening to it for so long, I have ideas of what I can do to generate side income. Admittedly, I have been lollygagging and enjoying the view but now it’s different. My drive is to put it into action because I have a goal now.


I’ve talked about this in my podcast and wrote about that here occasionally. Fast-tracking this bucket list ambition of mine to see that exotic place with my almost-80 years old father and 70-something years old mother.

Because they’re senior citizens who have a bit of health issues, among other things, the easiest mode for them to travel would be in first class. It’ll be our first time ever, if this comes to pass.

Which all comes down to money. Needless to say, if I had the greenbacks already, it wouldn’t be such a brainteaser for me.

But it is.

How am I going to take Zen Master and Zen Mum to Mongolia in the next 2-3 years? Or after COVID-19 has finally settled down, which could be longer than 2-3 years?

By taking baby steps, for one.

Firstly, with my being listed on Pandora, I’m pretty set with the Sally in the Zen podcast reaching audience in different market places.

And yeah, I’ve applied to be listed on Amazon Music too!

Baby steps. After all, you know how the saying goes, the journey begins with the first step.

Sally in the Zen