Peaches and Cream Crumb Cake – A Sunday Treat

Peaches and Cream Crumb Cake – A Sunday Treat

  • Post category:Family

It’s Sunday, the first Sunday of August, 2020 and it’s a dreary day. The morning sky is overcast here in my little place in PA and a second tornado warning is issued for this morning. Yeah, it’s already a blah kind of morning. On days like these, comfort food is my go-to treat. So I indulged in a little Sunday treat for us, something I Googled as soon as our neighbors surprised us with fresh from the patch peaches. And whipped up a peaches and cream crumb cake.

Homemade Peaches and Cream Crumb Cake

Sally and the Peach

Normally the first fruit I would reach for is an apple. Or a banana. I don’t normally think about peaches unless they’re in front of my face. Like in a container in buffet line, resting in their lovely pool of sweet peachy sauce. You know, straight from the Dole can.

Even then, I don’t pick it up.

Not even those fancy hand or body lotions scented with peaches.

The thought of peaches on my skin just makes my nose wrinkle and not in a pleasant way.

Peaches and I never had that kind of relationship. But I don’t hate it.

I’m just indifferent to it.

Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

Peaches and Cream Kind of Day

I know that as I’ve gotten older, the food that I despised when I was younger has become appealing to me, somehow.

Really don’t know the reason for the change of heart.

Earlier this week, our neighbors surprised us with fresh picked orchard peaches. At least I think they’re from an orchard. Or a garden, maybe?

But as soon as I saw them, I started Googling for dessert recipes. Because of Zen Master’s and Zen Mum’s diabetes and cholesterol, I’ve gotten used to making homemade treats for them. Because I can control the amount of sugar that goes into the food.

I really do enjoy making stuff from scratch. And it’s a plus when it comes out tasty.

Which happened with my peaches and cream crumb cake. It’s like a coffee cake but with peaches. Three peaches, to be exact.

And it was quite tasty with a strong cup of Starbucks.

Verdict: A Tasty Keeper

It was moist in the inside and crunchy on the outside. And the little bits of peaches, while not sweet, countered the crumby sweetness with a bit of tart. And the flavor wasn’t too peachy, which was alright with me.

I had followed the recipe to the letter and it was lovely. But what’s lovely for me is usually too sweet for Zen Master. Zen Mum enjoyed it, though. So the next time I make this again, I’ll pull back on the sugar.

Never thought peaches, of all things, would’ve chased a blah kind of Sunday morning into a pretty decent day.

Happy Sunday, Everyone.

Sally in the Zen