Walking with Daddy and Taking a Break
Walking with Zen Master

Walking with Daddy and Taking a Break

  • Post category:Family

Under the new normal of the Stay-at-Home order, our daily walks outside became drips and drabs. What made up most of our time now was watching the news. This in itself was an extreme sport nowadays. Zen Master and I decided to step away from all of it for a change. So we took a break and went walking around the neighborhood.

Zen Mum wasn’t feeling up to going out so Zen Master and I went out into the beautiful afternoon sunlight. This coming Monday would be the 12th week under the Stay-at-Home order in the State of PA. And it’s been awhile since we actually had for a decent walk.

Of course, we had our face masks at the ready when we came across other people. But overall our path was clear.

We didn’t really speak much during our walk, we were wrapped up in our own thoughts for a bit.

A beautiful day like this stood in stark contrast to all the chaos that’s raging out in the world.

It’s Fine Today – Douglas Malloch

Sure, this world is full of trouble
I ain’t said it ain’t.
Lord, I’ve had enough and double
Reason for complaint;
Rain and storm have come to fret me,
Skies are often gray;
Thorns and brambles have beset me
On the road — but say,
Ain’t it fine today?

What’s the use of always weepin’,
Making trouble last?
What’s the use of always keepin’
Thinkin’ of the past?
Each must have his tribulation —
Water with his wine;
Life, it ain’t no celebration,
Trouble? — I’ve had mine —
But today is fine!

It’s today that I am livin’,
Not a month ago.
Havin’; losin’; takin’; givin’;
As time wills it so.
Yesterday a cloud of sorrow
Fell across the way,
It may rain again tomorrow,
It may rain — but say,
Ain’t it fine today?

A quiet post today. Sending my thoughts and prayers out into the Universe.

Sally in the Zen