Sally in the Zen

Viber Messenger with the Grandkids

Viber-ing with the Grandkids - Group Facetime

It’s been awhile since we’ve had lunch with my nephews, Zen Master and Zen Mum’s grand-kiddies.  Thanks to COVID-19 and the stay-at-home order in the State of PA, we haven’t been able to pat their little heads or give them tight hugs.

Since everything’s all about safe distancing and video calls, my sister-in-law suggested Viber Messenger, a free and secure way to video chat – our group face time app.  Between Zen Master, Zen Mum and me, I’m the only technologically proficient person in the house.  The app is so user-friendly – what did we ever do without technology?

Yes, it’s difficult for them to figure out how to push a simple link to set up a face-to-face call.  Really wish I was joking when I wrote that line.

I haven’t figured out how to take pictures during our video chats but the little one of the two boys was ecstatic to us, to see specifically GrandPop.  

I couldn’t imagine how it would’ve been like if we had this pandemic during the 80s or 90s.  Armed with those brick cell phones.   

Photo by Rayson Tan on Unsplash
Photo by Rayson Tan on Unsplash

Viber with the Grandkids

They’re growing up leaps and bounds and even during these strange times, I worry that they’ll be adversely impacted by them.  I mean, you read about these things all the time on how hard the times have been on our younger generations.  

Yes, I do worry about this in the back of my head.  Like a little bug that keeps poking its head up every so often.  And how can I help them, even though we call home in different states.

Let me just vent and say that COVID-19 is impeding my current trajectory of being the bestest auntie in the whole entire world. 

Of course, you have to trust that their parents know what they’re doing.  And I do trust them because they’re good peeps.

But I also know that the grandkids are tough cookies.  And resilient.  

Just a brief post today.  Reach out and touch someone today.  Check-ins are good things to do with family.

Sally in the Zen

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