Sally in the Zen

Toilet Fill Valve Replacement DIY During Stay-at-Home

Fixing the Toilet (again)

I don’t really remember where I read this, but I had read that since we’re all basically under Stay-at-Home, it’d obviously be a good time to catch up on those home side projects.  Those DIY things that’s been gathering dust during normal business-as-usual life flows.  

I thought that was a good idea, because after all, we now have more free time.  Sometimes I putter away my free time.  Sometimes I focus and actually do something productive with it too.  I’ve read that since people are now stuck at home, they’ve been going old school with some stuff now.  Like home baking cookies or making their own pasta and bread.  I think that’s pretty awesome.  

I’ve recently made a batch of dry-as-a-piece-of-cardboard dark chocolate brownies, by hey, I attempted.  (After the second try, they did come out gooey, as brownies ought to be.)

And the Toilet Acts Up Again

In June, 2019, I had wrote a post about home maintenance projects that I had tackled, because I’m a DIY kind of gal.  I just like being handy with my own two hands most times.  

So a couple of weeks ago, my toilet started acting up.  It had decided to become a slow tank water filler.  After googling it, I figured out that all I needed to do was replace the toilet fill valve.  (Note:  I’m part of Amazon’s Affiliate program, so if you click on the link, I could potential make some money.)

I wanted sometime easy peasy so when I googled it in Amazon, I came up with one that said “EASY TO INSTALL.”  And highly rated, which counts alot in my book too.

So I bought it.

Replacing the Toilet Fill Valve

Emptied Water Tank
Emptied Water Tank

I have to admit, the instructions were pretty user-friendly.  Very detailed and easy to understand.  Yay me!

Honestly though, after last year’s drama with the toilet, I was more familiar with it this time around.  

New Toilet Fill Valve

I’d say, it took me about 30 or so minutes to get this puppy replaced.  And I was pretty proud of myself when it worked.

Zen Master, of course, came over to quality check my work.  And did a Number 2 while he was at it.  

Just keeping it real.  That’s how we roll on this blog.  

Afterwards he officially declared me the Handy Lady of the house now.  And told me to fix his own toilet in the master bedroom because it’s been leaking water for some time.  

More specifically, something was going on with the flapper in the water tank and it would occasionally leak water.  I hear it sometimes in our quiet house but didn’t do anything about it.  

All I have to say is that with all this free time to fix stuff around the house, Amazon is making a killing.  I ordered the flapper from them and that’ll be next week’s DIY fixer-upper project that’ll take 5 minutes.  

But I drew the line with Zen Master on painting the kitchen.  

Sally in the Zen

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