Cloth Face Masks – Next New Normal
CDC Face Masks Recommendation April 4, 2020

Cloth Face Masks – Next New Normal

  • Post category:Family

Cloth face masks? We’re living in such history-making times that I’m constantly at a loss for words when I’m outside my house. Who would’ve thought that covered faces with gloved hands would become the reality outside of movies? That it wouldn’t even raise any protests, much less eyebrows?

On Friday, 04/03/20, they announced the “recommendation” to wear face masks when out in public nowadays.  A day after that announcement, I went out for a couple of supply runs – minus Zen Master – and initially felt weird pulling up my scarf to cover my nose and mouth as I walked into our local grocery store.

But as surreal as it felt, it was even more surreal to see other shoppers donned their own face masks.  Oh.  My.  Goodness.  Tell me I’m not an extra in a movie.

So I have my green baseball cap on my head and my face is covered with a rainbow colored bandanna. The only thing visible on my face was my eyes and my glasses.  

So when I had paid for the groceries, I was pushing my cart out and came into a crowded corner in the store.  As I waited for the people to pass, the taller man with his son waved me on, saying “Go on, little girl.”

I’m almost 50 years old, will be later this year.  And the guy called me little girl.  

Boy, this comment made my day!  An unexpected upside to this unreal reality that we’re currently living in.

Yes, We Actually Bought Face Masks

Earlier during the week, Zen Mum was wigged out by something specific from the constant ominous news that she and Zen Master were plugged into 24/7 (despite my best efforts to get them off the tube.)

That we needed face masks.  Now.  

Folks, let me just admit a hard learned lesson from years of being a caregiver to elderly, stubborn folks.  Once they make up their mind about something, fixation becomes an understated word.  Stubborn can’t quite capture the essence of when their minds are made up on something.  Especially when it’s something that makes you go, WTF?

So to placate Zen Mum’s growing anxiety (and to stop it from blowing up into actual fear), I ordered washable fabric face masks* from Amazon on Thursday, 04/02/20.  (*Note:  this is one of my affiliate links, which just means that if you click on it, I may make money.)

Face Masks
Face Masks

A day before the actual CDC announcement.  

Now it’s sold out.  

What a difference one day makes.

We actually got them delivered three days ahead of time too.  As I write this blog post, they had arrived actually yesterday afternoon.  I guess now that face masks are considered “essential” items is the reason for the faster delivery.

Zen Mum and I with our Face Masks
Zen Mum and I with our cloth face masks


Welcome to our new normal.