Continuing on from my last blog post, Writing Cooperative Challenge – – I wanted to see if I could do it. If I could write something that would meet their criteria and be good enough to be accepted.
After days of brainstorming on the content, I knew the essence of what I wanted to write but was still thinking through the actual outline of how to write it. That’s my MO when it comes to my writing. Impromptu until the moment my fingers touch the keys and the thoughts begin to flow out.
The funny thing is that the end product didn’t quite come out as I had originally envisioned it. Although it had the parts of what I wanted to include, it clearly didn’t meet the criteria for this particular challenge.
But you know what? This Writing Cooperative Challenge was an awesome stretch exercise made me think differently towards my writing and that in itself was a learning lesson.
So I didn’t submit it to the Writing Cooperative. Instead, I submitted to the Ascent Publication on 03/28/20.
Writing and Being a Conduit of Something Higher
Marie Forleo was first person who enlightened me to the idea of being such a conduit. That we can pass on messages that we get from a higher power. Those messages can come in forms of ideas that make you go hmmm.
Like with what happened with my story. It flowed out pretty easily, and the end product unfortunately didn’t come out the way I had intended.
But it came out still pretty good.
In my still budding writing career, I’ve found that when I write, I have to be in the zone to write. It’s not like I can command myself to sit down and write. I could but that’s not the point. What I want when I do write is to write well.
I’ve seen the numerous ideas of writing habits, one of which suggests writing something every day and keeping to some sort of writing schedule.
Sensible suggestion, but for me, did zero for my motivation.
So when Ascent finally approves (or not) my story, I’ll include the link to the story here*.
*Updated on 03/31/20 to include friend link to the article.
Sally in the Zen