The Writing Cooperative publication sent an interesting email out to subscribers on Thursday, 03/19/20. It’s a publication on, focused on helping writers on writing.
Below is their Submission Requirements and Style Guide:
The Writing Cooperative is a community of people who help each other write better. We publish unique, high quality articles that focus on creativity, writing, editing, publishing, and everything in between. We’re looking for original articles that help writers improve their craft. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Essays that explore different career paths in writing.
- Unique or creative editing and publishing tips, tools, and methods. Common advice, like write daily or break grammatical rules, are rejected.
- How to develop ideas.
- Deeper explanation of different writing formats and styles.
- Unique language and grammar guides. Common grammar advice isn’t interesting but advice on utilizing inclusive language is.
- First-person accounts of getting a book published.
- Interviews with experienced writers.
- Other creative pieces which an audience of fellow writers can learn something new.
Below is their actual call for submission in their email:
First, a note about what we’re not looking for. We do not want a slew of submissions with tips for working from home or how writing is a solitary activity.
We would also like to suggest not mentioning COVID-19 directly in your submission. It’s an uncertain time and the virus is on the forefront of everyone’s mind, but some would like a distraction and we want the focus, as always, to be on helping our community write better. If our readers are coming here for a break from the news, we would like to provide a place where they can focus on their craft. Our introduction above serves as a statement from the Cooperative on the virus and does not need to be replicated in every submission.
What we are looking for are tips, advice, and original takes on how to use this time to grow as a writer. What can writers start doing today to improve their technical writing skills? What does it take to move your writing from part time to full time? How can you monetize your writing?
Remember, we’re looking for high-quality, original takes that comply with our submission rules and style guide. When submitting, use the tag growth. We’ll accept these submissions through April 4. Submissions that meet our criteria will schedule following our regular process in the order received.
Interest Piqued
I’m always open to learning new things because I’m what you call a life learner. Hence, I’m always open to stretch assignments and writing challenges.
Because I still consider myself a novice writer, I’m always open to sharpening my writing skills and learning how other people do it. Not just the tips and tricks on the mechanics on writing, but the heart of it.
I’m fascinated by the storytelling essence of writing. The story.
Do I want to put myself out there? As a novice writer, do I have anything to offer? Have I the confidence to write something that could be rejected? Do I have the balls to try?
Why, yes. Yes, I do.
Challenge accepted.
Whether or not it’s accepted, I’ll post the actual link to the story in a follow-up blog post here.
Wish me luck!
Sally in the Zen