The Content Planner: Review
My First Ever Content Planner

The Content Planner: Review

I’ve been thinking about the Content Planner for awhile now.  I came across the product in 2019 (and no, I’m not paid to write about it), while I was listening to my daily slew of podcasts on Stitcher.

(A very special shout-out to the Side Hustle School podcast hosted by Chris Guillebeau.  He’s an absolute inspiration and I adore his podcast.  If you have ideas on a side hustle and would like to know how to bring them to life, this podcast is for you!  Besides being a really inspiring show, it’s also fun to listen to.)

Pivotal Year

2019 was a pivotal year for me artistically, creatively, mentally and spiritually.  

  • Began blogging again.  (I had stopped in 2012 because I ran out of gas.)
  • Became a writer on
  • Launched my Sally in the Zen podcast.  

And now that it’s 2020, I found that I want to buckle down on what I’ve started and get more serious about it.  More mindful and deliberate with it, in terms of direction and content.  

I actually want to see how far I can take it, how successful I can make it because I’ve always had the I can’t create anything worth a damn mindset. 

Now, I want to see just how damn good I really am.  Because I know I am.

Content Planner – Kat Gaskin

It wasn’t until I sat down at the end of 2019 to take stock of all my blessings in my life that I came to the realization that I needed something to help capture my flowing ideas and my multiple projects.  

I’m usually organized, but I knew that I was going about my projects haphazardly.  And I wanted a creative game plan to pull all my blossoming projects into something more cohesive.  

My projects were connected to each other somehow but I couldn’t figure out how.  I wanted…needed…to visually see how exactly they were connected.  You know how sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know until you know?

Which is why I bought Kat’s Content Planner.

Just got my first Content Planner
Just got my first Content Planner

And I’m absolutely thrilled that I did.  In our age of tech, call me a traditionalist but I love the feel of recycled paper and a physical to-do list. There’s nothing like the satisfaction of being able to check something off your to-do list when it’s done.  Clicking online versus taking an actual pen to cross something off that’s written on paper is no comparison. 

There’s just nothing like it.

Just as there’s nothing like seeing your own gradual progress in your personal projects.

So my grade for Kat’s Content Planner:  A

  • Simplicity in format
  • Appealing in color
  • Ease of use
  • Outstanding customer outreach with Kat because she not only believes in her product and projects but she also wants to help you grow yours.

And that’s pretty cool.

Sally in the Zen