Birthday Dinner – Zen Mum’s 70th and Counting
Zen Mum and me

Birthday Dinner – Zen Mum’s 70th and Counting

  • Post category:Family

Relatively speaking, when it comes to birthdays, we’re pretty low-key.  We don’t do parties or presents; we do family dinners either home cooking a favorite dish or going out to a favorite restaurant.  This year, Zen Mum wanted to go to her favorite Mexican restaurant, La Tolteca

But before we talk about our birthday dinner, let’s talk a little more about Zen Mum.

Zen Mum’s the quiet one between the three of us. While Zen Master’s a social bug (when the mood suits him), Zen Mum leans more on the wall flower background.  And she’s content to be there.

Or so she says.

Personally, I think it’s because she’s so used to being like that all her life, she never gravitated to being anything but.

Fast forward 70 years later.

Lady with hands on her hips
Zen Mum pretty in pink!

The Spunkylicious Zen Mum

When I think about it, Zen Mum has never been on her own.  She was living at home with her parents when that fateful happened when Zen Master and Zen Mum met.  It was in a Chinese Carry-Out in NYC and according to her, it was love at first sight.

Or as I usually say, hubba hubba.  

Moving on from her parents to moving on with Zen Master, she’s never been on her own two feet.  She popped out a couple of kids, and worked hand in hand beside my father all these years.  They’d vacation together, shop together and sit in the living room together.  

I think the old tradition was that the missus was expected to be submissive and quiet.  And I want to say that Zen Mum was and had been for a long time.  Nowadays, when we reminisce about the old days and the old ways, it boggles my mind.  But Zen Master would remind me to not judge too critically of the old ways.  Because that was then while this was now.

When Zen Mum settled into her new environment in PA a handful of years ago, settled into a new routine with Zen Master, she reminded me of a flower blooming in the bright sun in an open green meadow.  She blossomed and came into her own.  She’s more social, more easy to laugh and talk with people.  What exactly changed within her, who really knows?  

Believe me, I’ve asked and her actual response was I don’t know.

But she seemed more comfortable in her own skin now.  And quite opinionated nowadays.

“I Don’t Feel Old.”

Mom's Birthday Dinner at La Tolteca
Mom’s Birthday Dinner at La Tolteca

She love mole sauce, and got her favorite dish, the Pork Belly Pueblo.

Zen Master's shrimp dinner
Zen Master’s shrimp dinner

Zen Master got his favorite dish, the Camarones a Mojo de Ajo (shrimp with rice with spicy sauce)

My dish at Mom's Birthday Dinner at La Tolteca
My dish at Mom’s Birthday Dinner at La Tolteca

While I enjoyed the Chicken Burrio Bowl.  

Actual conversation with Zen Mum

Me:  How do you feel, now that you’re the big 7-0?

Zen Mum:  Are you sure I’m that old?  I don’t feel old.

Me:  Um…

Zen Mum:  I feel good.

With an admission like that, what more can anyone ask for, really?  And I know that’s all that really matters to me.  That she’s happy, healthy and feels good. 

Here’s to more good years, Zen Mum.

Sally in the Zen