Family Road Trip – Pittsburgh, PA
Family Road Trip - Pittsburgh, PA

Family Road Trip – Pittsburgh, PA

So we took a family road trip to Pittsburgh, PA.  Now what prompted us to go there?  

The Pittsburgh Pierogi Festival!!

Yes, we travel anywhere for good food.  Good life, good health, good food, all shared with family.  I mean, what more can I ask for?  It’s all about the simple things.

Road Trip to Pittsburgh, PA

After we packed up the car with pillows, snacks, water and our suitcases, we set out after breakfast to Pittsburgh via 76 West.  Zen Master, Zen Mum and I spent 4 1/2 hours in the car and I enjoy their company.  This time Zen Master wasn’t pestering me Are we there yet? after hour one.  Not like he did during our earlier family road trip to the Poconos. (*whew*)

The other reason for going to Pittsburgh, besides going for pierogis, is doing a local vacation with Zen Master and Zen Mum.  Meaning, since we moved up here from Maryland over a handful of years ago, I wanted to explore PA. Usually right off the top of my head, when I think of PA, I naturally think of Philadelphia.  The Poconos.  Sometimes, even Pittsburgh.  

I generally suck at geography, but let me just say, on this road trip, we passed Harrisburg, our state capital, which I admittedly did not know.  And now I do!  YAY ME!

Blue Mountains, PA

It’s not often that I do such a long drive but what made it really interesting was the Blue Mountains.  Part of the Appalachian Mountains.  I’m a sucker for nature, but I draw the line at camping.  Just saying.  

Blue Mountains, PA
Blue Mountains, PA

Ok, so I took a handful of pictures while I had my hands on the steering wheel.  Yes, I know that’s pretty insane, but let me just say, it takes talent to keep the car steady in one lane while taking clear pictures out the bug-spattered windshield.   If I do say so myself.  

I did all the driving and we took breaks to get coffee and lunch.  It was definitely much needed breaks from sitting all those hours for all of us.  Personally speaking, I’m not as young as I used to be, and I need to stretch these old bones!  

Blue Mountain Rest Stop on 76 West
Blue Mountain Rest Stop on 76 West

The Surprise on the Road

After we had left the first rest stop adeptly named Blue Mountain, some ways away, I say the first strange sign – TAKE OFF SUNGLASSES.

I’m thinking to myself, Why?  Why should I take off my sunglasses?  Did that sign really say that?

Then a little ways further, another sign popped up:  TURN ON HEADLIGHTS.

And now I’m thinking to myself, WTF?  I actually also muttered this aloud because Zen Master, who was sleeping in the front passenger seat, said “What’s going on?”

And then we see this.  Zen Mum, who was quietly reading in the back seat, asked, “What’s that?”

Kittatinny Tunnel - one of the tunnels in Blue Mountain
Kittatinny Tunnel – one of the tunnels in Blue Mountain

It was a tunnel through the mountain.  Actually there were four tunnels that we went through on 76W on our way to Pittsburgh.  The first tunnel was named (again adeptly) Blue Mountain and because I wasn’t expecting this, I didn’t have my camera ready.  

But for the Kittatinny Tunnel – one of the tunnels in Blue Mountain, I was locked and loaded.  

Musings from the Blue Mountain

It was such a scenic drive that I think I’m bitten by the road trip bug.  I know a few friends who did cross country road trips and I’ve always thought that was pretty nuts, but now, Blue Mountain got me thinking.  Generally speaking, with a tuned-up car loaded with foodstuff and water, a working GPS and steady WIFI along the way, traveling and exploring new places and things is a way to go.  Oh, let’s not forget the restrooms along your route – definitely must knows.  But if you think out of the box and bypass airplanes, traveling to new destinations by road or train actually sounds fun.  Fun enough that the idea of going cross country no longer sounds crazy to me.  

I’ve found myself open to that idea now.  Hmmm, need to marinate on this one.

Coming Up:  The Inn at the Mexican War Street

Inn at the Mexican War Street
Inn at the Mexican War Street