Sally in the Zen

Cell Phone for Senior Citizens

(Blog post originally published on April 14, 2019)

Do you know how long it took me to teach this little lady how to use a cell phone?

Zen Mum is going to be 70 years old this year. (Oh, she doesn’t care if I tell the world her age, which of course I just did.)

I’ve always believed (and still do) that elder folks should have a cellphone, if nothing but for emergency purposes only. Because nowadays a person really shouldn’t leave the house without one. It’s almost as essential as air. And phone booths are now only available in museums.

Zen Mum and Zen Master’s first phone was a Nokia flip phone.

At first it was like pulling tooth and nail to get them to remember to take their phones with them when they walked out the door to go shopping.

Then after they got used to having their cellphones in their hands, they had to remember to answer the damn things. Back then, in the age of Nokia and small flip phones, the buttons were too small for them to push or see properly.

Oh, and don’t get me started on getting them to access their voicemail. I gave that one up a long time ago.

And the day we got a great family deal to upgrade all our phones to smart phones, well, that was indeed a game changer.

But was that really a good thing, I sometimes wonder?

Between the two of them, Zen Mum took to the smart phone quicker than Zen Master.

She loves crossword puzzles, cooking and crocheting. Now add YouTube to that list because hey! she found free Chinese drama shows and Beijing Opera Music on it.

Now you can’t pry her phone out of her hands, except if it’s low on battery.

Sally in the Zen

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