Taking a Stroll with Zen Master and Zen Mum

Taking a Stroll with Zen Master and Zen Mum

  • Post category:Family

Taking a stroll with Zen Master and Zen Mum through the park is a perk that I get when I have time and the weather’s good.  Even before his stroke, they’d walk about three (3) miles a day.  They’d walk around the neighborhood.  Up and down the street.  Through the park.

Even during the dog days of summer.  Which I took with them recently one day.

It was hot, hot hot.  

Zen Mum would already be huffing and puffing before the first curve but Zen Master would methodically trek along.  Occasionally he’d stop to wait for her to catch up before starting off again.  

That’s not the only difference between them when they go walking.

Zen Mum would drink water like a camel.  While Zen Master wouldn’t sip one drop.

He’s thinking that he’s still a young man who can handle the heat and don’t need water until he’s finished with his walk.  Yes, folks, he believes he’s impervious to heatstroke.

But on this day, while I was with them, I had to physically hold on to his belt and keep him steady until we reached the bench for them to rest.

Then the following conversation happened:

Zen Master and Zen Mum sitting on a bench, taking a break from strolling.
Zen Mum: How many times have I told you that you need to drink more water?”


Zen Mum: “Heat stroke is no joke!  You need to drink more water!”


Zen Master and Zen Mum sitting on a bench, taking a break from walking.
Zen Master: “Wha??  I can’t hear you!”


I love taking a stroll with my folks.  

Sally in the Zen