Lunch with Zen Master and the grand kids happens every once in awhile. The little one is younger than his older brother by five years, and they’re quite different in temperament.
Until only recently, the little one suffered from a severe case of separation anxiety, most especially from his father. Boy, when he doesn’t see his dad, the meltdown would be terrific. You’d never know that tiny package could pack such a wallop of screams and an incredible reservoir of tears just from looking at him.
Which we did experience quite a many of times.
And let me just say that when the little one melts down like ice cream under the hot sun, Zen Master and Zen Mum head for the hills, leaving me alone to fend for myself with him.
And you guys call yourselves his grandparents.
Between the three of us, I have zero kid handling skills. I’m about the last person you’d approach to look after any kid, much less one who’s a volcano of tears and snot.
So, fast forward to today, when we met them for lunch.
Little man surprised all of us when he simply walked up to Zen Master and held his hand.
His diaper must’ve been changed and he be fed, is all I can think of as I watched that happen. Aside from his father still being in his line of sight.
But even his dad was surprised because he said “That’s the first time ever that he’s held his hand.”
Happy Days.
Sally in the Zen