Beating the Holiday Blues – After Thoughts
Beating the Holiday Blues with Cruising

Beating the Holiday Blues – After Thoughts

The Universe knew what we needed because I was just browsing at the sales, not really intending to buy anything.  But it was a perfect storm of Zen Master's holiday blues, decent deal with no flight, and available emergency funds (I'd qualify this as emergency) that decided the entire thing for me.  It was a no-brainer.

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Luckiest Auntie in the Whole World
Lovely Nephews

Luckiest Auntie in the Whole World

I'm the luckiest Auntie in the whole world.  In the last couple of blogs, I posted old blogs from before my blog crash and they were both about my nephew when he was still a baby.  Year end usually makes me reminisce about the past because it always puts into perspective how blessed I am.  

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